Steel Series Gauges

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How to configure the Stainless Steel Gauges for WeatherCat

The very first thing you need to do is download the latest version of the gauges from

Once you have extracted all the files from the download, open the gauges.js file using a text editor or your favourite project tool.

The edits you will need to do are dependant on how you have setup (or intend to set up) your website.

All the files for the gauges are or will be in the top level of the website (option 1)

Find (approx. line 18)

weatherProgram    : 0,

Replace with

weatherProgram    : 3,

Find (approx. line 19)

imgPathURL        : './images/',

Replace with

imgPathURL        : '/',

All the files for the gauges are or will be in a subdirectory on the website (option 2)

For this example we will assume you are going to put the gauges file into a folder called "steel" which will be a sub folder of your webs root folder. After following these setup instructions, you should be able to access the gauges by going to

Instructions will go here.....

Replacing the pop-up graphs

The gauges.js file comes pre configured to use the default graphs when you hover over one of the gauges. Should you wish to change these to use any of the custom graphs, you will need to make further changes to the file.

Find (approx. line 268)

config.tipImgs = [
            	    ['temperature1.jpg', 'tempin1.jpg'],                               // Temperature: outdoor, indoor
            	    // Temperature: dewpoint, apparent, windChill, heatIndex, humidex
            	    ['dewpoint1.jpg', 'temperature1.jpg', 'windchill1.jpg', 'heatindex1.jpg', 'temperature1.jpg'],
            	    'precipitationc1.jpg',                                                     // Rainfall
            	    'precipitation1.jpg',                                                      // Rainfall rate
            	    ['rh1.jpg', 'rhin1.jpg'],                                                   // Humidity: outdoor, indoor
            	    'pressure1.jpg',                                                             // Pressure
            	    'windspeed1.jpg',                                                          // Wind speed
            	    'winddirection1.jpg',                                                      // Wind direction
                    (config.showUvGauge ? 'uv1.jpg' : null),                         // UV
		    (config.showSolarGauge ? 'solarrad1.jpg' : null),            // Solar rad
		    (config.showRoseGauge ? 'winddirection1.jpg' : null)     // Wind direction for Wind Rose

Replace with

Replace the jpg filenames with those you wish to use in their place.
(i.e. Replace the default graph filenames with the custom graph filenames.) 

NOTE: If you do change the pop-up graphs that are being displayed, you may need to modify the gauges-as.css file to allow for the difference in image size.

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