Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP)
From WeatherCat Wiki (LM)
Information on CWOP and WeatherCat
One service to which WeatherCat can submit weather data is Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP). For more information on the service, you can consult the Wikipedia article on CWOP.
WeatherCat can submit data to CWOP without the need of any add-ons. To learn how to do this, consult the How Do I Send Data To The Citizen’s Weather Observer Program (CWOP)? section in the WeatherCat manual which starts at page 64 in the version-1.0 manual of WeatherCat.
CWOP Troubleshooting tips
- There is an archive of a Google discussion group that served distribution list for messages related to CWOP server status. This group can be seen at CWOP Server Status. This group is now moribund, the last status message posted was in 2016.