Installation And Requirements

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WeatherCat version 3.0.0 and later will run on computers running Mac OS X version 10.9 or later.


Download the disk image and open it. Drag WeatherCat to the alias of the Applications folder in the disk image - this will copy WeatherCat to your Applications folder. Run WeatherCat from there (not the disc image).

If you have an existing WeatherCat 1 or 2 installation, please compress/zip up your existing WeatherCat folder (just in-case you have something in there you need) and then delete your existing WeatherCat folder as it isn't used or needed any more.

If you wish WeatherCat's icon to stay in the dock, either drag the application to the dock before running it, or right click on its icon in the dock when running and use the pop-up menu to select 'Keep In Dock'.

You may also wish to add WeatherCat to your 'Login Items' via the 'Accounts' pane of the System Preferences so that WeatherCat starts-up whenever you log-in to your computer. If you have automatic login enabled for the account then WeatherCat will start whenever the computer starts or restarts.

Before running WeatherCat, please ensure you have the correct driver installed for your station or USB to serial converter. Without the correct driver installed, WeatherCat will not be able to communicate with your hardware. Note that USB based stations such as the WMR200 or WH1080/2080/3080 etc. do not need drivers. Also check the date and time is set correctly on your weather station console/hardware and that all sensors are being received correctly.

If you have been running LWC2, WeatherCat will offer to import your data and settings on first run (please check all your settings in WeatherCat after the import, in particular the email 'from' field may have changed).

Finally, please be sure to quit any other weather software before running WeatherCat.

For more information, please see the WeatherCat manual

Upgrading to new version

Upgrades in WeatherCat 3 are notified in-app (you will also receive an email if you have email enabled in WeatherCat).

Note for beta versions: Only when you are upgrading beta versions of WeatherCat (developmental releases rather than full releases) there is an OS X artifact that causes a phantom second Help pulldown menu to appear in the WeatherCat toolbar. This does no harm, but the second Help menu is non-functional. If you quit WeatherCat and restart it again, the errant Help menu goes away. You can read more about this at

Here is a screenshot of the double Help menu toolbar:

Phantom Help Menu.png

Moving WeatherCat from one machine to another

Please see [1]

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