Release Notes

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Revision as of 14:20, 31 December 2012 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

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V1.1.2 - 28 December 2012

Fixed a crash that could occur with WMR200 and WH1080 stations on start-up.
Added a DAYSAGO() function that can be used as a time period specifier with the STAT$ custom web tag. This can be used to query data from a given day in the past – for example DAYSAGO(2) is the day before yesterday.
Added Internal Humidity as a trigger for custom alerts.

V1.1.1 - 22 December 2012

Added Fine Offset WH1080/2080 support. This station is sold under a variety of brands including Maplin (N96GY), Ambient Weather, Conrad, Clas Ohlson, Watson (W-8681) and others. For more information on this station, please visit our wiki page:
WMR200: Fixed an issue whereby UV would indicate as invalid when it should be valid.
WMR200: Fixed an issue whereby the historical download window would stop updating after 5 minutes (the download continues and completes).
Latest Italian translations courtesy of Federico Paoletti.
Documentation update.

V1.1.0 - 12 December 2012

Added Oregon Scientific WMR200 support.
Added calibration (Preferences->Misc 2).
Added an SDK (see separate download )
Added daily backups (Tools menu).
Added Wd$ macro (wind direction) that can be used with custom alert emails.
Printing improvements - it is now possible to print all basic graphs and the current daily and monthly reports.
Plotting style of basic wind direction graph is now settable to one of line, shortest path or dots (Preferences->Misc 2)
Data export rewritten. It is now possible to export all raw data as a .csv file which should open directly in most spreadsheet software.
Tag additions:
Added SINCE9AM as a period parameter that can be used in the STAT$ tag - example:
Added an HRS(x) function which can be used as the period parameter in the STAT$ tag, This function specifies a time period in hours from 'now' - examples.
Highest temperature in the last 24 hours = STAT$TEMPERATURE:MAX:HRS(24)$TEMPUNITS$ at STAT$TEMPERATURE:MAX:HRS(24):TIME$
FTP re-architected to increase upload speed, reduce the number of connections and reduce latency of time sensitive data.
Holding down the 'ctrl' key whilst scrolling graphs and imagery via the WeatherCat Controller buttons now accelerates the scrolling.
Vantage VUE stability update.
Various bug fixes.
Documentation update.

V1.0.2 - 15 July 2012

Compatibility update for Mac OS X 10.8 GM
Heat index will now calculate below a relative humidity of 40.

V1.0.1 - 30 June 2012

Mac OS X 10.8 compatibility
Added optional shutdown delay to wait for scripts that are being closed
Updated localisations
Stability improvements

V1.0.0 - 6 May 2012

Initial release
Personal tools
