WeatherCat Webtags with Cumulus Equivalents

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After spending time working on the SteelSeries Gauges and getting them to work with WeatherCat, this document contains the webtags required to get the gauges working. Some tags do not have a direct equivalent or do not even exist; however, using this table I have managed to get the gauges working.

SS-Gauges Tag Cumulus Tag WeatherCat Tag Description Notes
Date/Time Tags
date <#Date> de$ The current date
timeUTC <#timeUTC> DUTC$ The current UTC time Format must be "yyyy,m,d,h,m,s"
Unit Tags
tempunit <#tempunit> TEMPUNITS$ Temperature units being used Possible values are °C or °F
windunit <#windunit> WINDSPEEDUNITS$ Windspeed units being used Possible values are km/h, MPH, Knots, m/s
pressunit <#pressunit> PRESSUREUNITS$ Pressure units being used Possible values are mb, inHg, hPa
rainunit <#rainunit> RAINUNITS$ Rain units being used Possible values are mm or in
Temperature Tags
temp <#temp> STAT$TEMPERATURE:CURRENT$ The current outside temperature
tempTL <#tempTL> STAT$TEMPERATURE:MIN:TODAY$ Lowest outside temperature today
TtempTL <#TtempTL> STAT$TEMPERATURE:MIN:TODAY:TIME$ Time of lowest outside temperature today
tempTH <#tempTH> STAT$TEMPERATURE:MAX:TODAY$ Highest outside temperature today
TtempTH <#TtempTH> STAT$TEMPERATURE:MAX:TODAY:TIME$ Time of highest outside temperature today
temptrend <#temptrend> STAT$TEMPERATURE:DELTA1$ The average rate of change in temperature over the last three hours Weathercat does not have a "direct" equivalent of this value so it is manipulated within the gauges.js file
intemp <#intemp> STAT$INTTEMPERATURE:CURRENT$ The current inside temperature
Dewpoint Tags
dew <#dew> STAT$DEWPOINT:CURRENT$ The outside dew point
dewpointTL <#dewpointTL> STAT$DEWPOINT:MIN:TODAY$ Today's lowest dew point
TdewpointTL <#TdewpointTL> STAT$DEWPOINT:MIN:TODAY:TIME$ Time of today's lowest dew point
dewpointTH <#dewpointTH> STAT$DEWPOINT:MAX:TODAY$ Today's highest dew point
TdewpointTH <#TdewpointTH> STAT$DEWPOINT:MAX:TODAY:TIME$ Time of today's highest dew point
Apparent Temperature Tags
apptemp <#apptemp> AT_Aus$ The apparent outside temperature The WeatherCat tag used could also be AT_US$ for the US calculation
apptempTL <#apptempTL> STAT$AT_AUS:MIN:TODAY$ Today's lowest apparent outside temperature The WeatherCat tag used could also be AT_US$ for the US calculation
TapptempTL <#TapptempTL> STAT$AT_AUS:MIN:TODAY:TIME$ Time of today's lowest apparent outside temperature The WeatherCat tag used could also be AT_US$ for the US calculation
apptempTH <#apptempTH> STAT$AT_AUS:MAX:TODAY$ Today's highest apparent outside temperature The WeatherCat tag used could also be AT_US$ for the US calculation
TapptempTH <#TapptempTH> STAT$AT_AUS:MAX:TODAY:TIME$ Time of today's highest apparent outside temperature The WeatherCat tag used could also be AT_US$ for the US calculation
Windchill Tags
wchill <#wchill> STAT$WINDCHILL:CURRENT$ The current wind chill temperature
wchillTL <#wchillTL> STAT$WINDCHILL:MIN:TODAY$ Today's lowest wind chill
TwchillTL <#TwchillTL> STAT$WINDCHILL:MIN:TODAY:TIME$ Time of today's lowest wind chill
Heatindex Tags
heatindex <#heatindex> STAT$HEATINDEX:CURRENT$ Current heat index
heatindexTH <#heatindexTH> STAT$HEATINDEX:MAX:TODAY$ Today's highest heat index
TheatindexTH <#TheatindexTH> STAT$HEATINDEX:MAX:TODAY:TIME$ Time of today's highest heat index
Humidex Tags
humidex <#humidex> HUMIDEX$ Current Humidex
Windspeed Tags
wlatest <#wlatest> STAT$WINDSPEED:CURRENT$ Current wind speed
wspeed <#wspeed> STAT$WINDSPEED:AVERAGE:HRS(0.17)$ The 10-minute average wind speed
windTM <#windTM> STAT$AVERAGEWINDSPEED:MAX:TODAY$ Today's maximum (average) wind speed
wgust <#wgust> STAT$WINDGUST:MAX:HRS(0.17)$ The highest wind reading in the last 10 minutes
wgustTM <#wgustTM> STAT$WINDGUST:MAX:TODAY$ Today's maximum wind gust
TwgustTM <#TwgustTM> STAT$WINDGUST:MAX:TODAY:TIME$ Time of today's maximum wind gust
Tbeaufort <#Tbeaufort> N/A Today's highest wind speed, expressed in the Beaufort scale WeatherCat does not have an equivalent tag
Wind Bearing Tags
bearing <#bearing> STAT$WINDDIRECTION:CURRENT$ Current wind bearing in degrees
avgbearing <#avgbearing> STAT$WINDDIRECTION:AVERAGE:HRS(0.17)$ Average wind bearing in degrees over last 10 minutes. Range 1-360, 0=Calm
bearingTM <#bearingTM> MAXGUSTDIR(TODAY)$ The wind bearing at the time of today's high gust (<#wgustTM>) in degrees
BearingRangeFrom10 <#BearingRangeFrom10> WINDBEARINGFROM10$ The 'lowest' clockwise bearing in the last 10 minutes, rounded down to nearest 10 degrees
BearingRangeTo10 <#BearingRangeTo10> WINDBEARINGTO10$ The 'highest' clockwise bearing in the last 10 minutes, rounded down to nearest 10 degrees
Wind Run Tags
WindRoseData <#WindRoseData> WINDROSE8$ A comma-separated list of the wind 'totals' used to draw the wind rose Must be surrounded by [ and ] (i.e. [WINDROSE8$]) [WINDROSE45$] could also be used
windrun <#windrun> STAT$WINDRUN:TOTAL:TODAY$ The total wind run so far today
Pressure Tags
press <#press> STAT$PRESSURE:CURRENT$ The sea level pressure
pressTL <#pressTL> STAT$PRESSURE:MIN:TODAY$ Today's lowest pressure reading
TpressTL <#TpressTL> STAT$PRESSURE:MIN:TODAY:TIME$ Time of today's lowest pressure reading
pressTH <#pressTH> STAT$PRESSURE:MAX:TODAY$ Today's highest pressure reading
TpressTH <#TpressTH> STAT$PRESSURE:MAX:TODAY:TIME$ Time of today's highest pressure reading
pressL <#pressL> STAT$PRESSURE:MIN:ALLTIME$ All time low pressure
pressH <#pressH> STAT$PRESSURE:MAX:ALLTIME$ All time high pressure
presstrendval <#presstrendval> STAT$PRESSURE:DELTA1$ The average rate of pressure change over the last three hours. Weathercat does not have a "direct" equivalent of this value so it is manipulated within the gauges.js file.
Rain Tags
LastRainTipISO <#LastRainTipISO> RLDi$ Date/time of last rain gauge tip (e.g 2010-09-06 06:09) WeatherCat does not include the time in tag
hourlyrainTH <#hourlyrainTH> STAT$RAIN:MAX:TODAY$ Today's highest hourly rain
ThourlyrainTH <#ThourlyrainTH> STAT$RAIN:MAX:TODAY:TIME$ Time of today's highest hourly rain
rfall <#rfall> STAT$RAIN:TOTAL:TODAY$ The total rainfall so far today
rrate <#rrate> STAT$RAIN:CURRENT$ The current rainfall rate
rrateTM <#rrateTM> STAT$RAIN:MAX:TODAY$ Today's maximum rain rate
TrrateTM <#TrrateTM> STAT$RAIN:MAX:TODAY:TIME$ Time of today's maximum rain rate
Humidity Tags
hum <#hum> STAT$EXTHUMIDITY:CURRENT$ The current outside humidity
humTL <#humTL> STAT$EXTHUMIDITY:MIN:TODAY$ Today's lowest humidity
ThumTL <#ThumTL> STAT$EXTHUMIDITY:MIN:TODAY:TIME$ Time of today's lowest humidity
humTH <#humTH> STAT$EXTHUMIDITY:MAX:TODAY$ Today's highest humidity
ThumTH <#ThumTH> STAT$EXTHUMIDITY:MAX:TODAY:TIME$ Time of today's highest humidity
inhum <#inhum> STAT$INTHUMIDITY:CURRENT$ The current inside humidity
UV Tags
UV <#UV> STAT$UV:CURRENT$ Current UV index Requires UV sensor
UVTH <#UVTH> STAT$UV:MAX:TODAY$ Today's highest UV Index value Requires UV sensor
Solar Tags
SolarRad <#SolarRad> STAT$SOLAR:CURRENT$ Current solar radiation. Requires solar sensor
CurrentSolarMax <#CurrentSolarMax> CPS$ Current theoretical maximum solar radiation Requires solar sensor
SolarTM <#solarTH> STAT$SOLAR:MAX:TODAY$ Today's highest solar value Requires solar sensor
Cloud Base Tags
cloudbasevalue <#cloudbasevalue> STAT$CLOUDBASE:CURRENT$ Current value of calculated cloud base
cloudbaseunit <#cloudbaseunit> HEIGHTUNITS$ Height units for cloud base
Misc Tags
SensorContactLost <#SensorContactLost> COMMSFAILFLAG$ Station comms ok? 0 if the station comms are good or 1 if the comms have failed (hardware fail or stale data)
forecast <#forecast> CF$ The current forecast
version <#version> BD$ The version of the application used to generate the data file Weathercat does not have a "direct" equivalent of this value as it includes the build number.
build <#build> N/A The build number of the application used to generate the data file WeatherCat does not have an equivalent tag
ver N/A 9 The version of this JSON file As of this writing, the current version is 9
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