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Poohbah Industries iOS Client for iPhone

Poohbah Industries iOS Client for iPhone is a client available from the iTunes App store that allows an iPhone, iPod touch, and even an iPad to access data from a Macintosh running WeatherCat. A screenshot is provided below:

Home 4-in.png

Because this application is designed to run mainly on iPhones, it has only a portrait mode of display.

Poohbah Industries iOS Client for iPad

Poohbah Industries' WeatherCat for the iPad ("WeatherCatPad") is an iOS Client app available from the iTunes App Store. It is designed specifically to take advantage of the larger screen area of an iPad or iPad Mini. WeatherCatPad provides provide enhanced and customizable display layout features. Since it is a client for WeatherCat, it requires access to a Mac running WeatherCat software. A screenshot is provided below:

Landscape black.png

WeatherCatPad may be used in portrait or landscape orientation.

Resources for users of the WeatherCat iPad application

Personal tools
