Release Notes

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Revision as of 13:24, 14 July 2013 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

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V1.2.0 - 14th July 2013

1. Fix WH3080 hardware code to CWOP.
2. WeatherCat Client update for heat index. Also note, this client is Intel build only - 10.6 or later required.
3. SDK update for V1.20.
4. Latest German resources thanks to Reinhard.
5. We now throw an error on email test if there isn't at least one email address to send to. 6. CWOP update for version 4 servers - we now send TCPIP rather than TCPXX.
6. Added a 'DOTSEPARATORS$' custom web tag. This tag is important if you run a non- English version of WeatherCat - it switches off localised decimal separators whilst processing STAT$ tags across a page. For example if the result of a tag is normally something like '13,6', with this tag in effect the output will be '13.6'. This is handy if you know the output is going to be machine parsed and the script doing the parsing doesn't understand localised decimal separators. This tag may appear only once on a page, it can be placed anywhere and stays in effect for the whole page.
7. Fixed a bug where STAT$ tags calculating average AT_US, AT_AUS or HUMIDEX returned incorrect results if temperature units were set to Fahrenheit.
8. On a new install, imagery for location 1 is now off by default.
9. Heat index will no-longer calculate below 80°F - the formula used is not accurate below this value.
10. Maximum data logger periods for both 1080 and 3080 Fine Offset stations is now 59 minutes.
11. Fixed an issue where internal temperature/delta and heat index/delta values as entered into the test window were not being sent when testing a custom alert.
12. Added an OpenWeatherMap plug-in. (Tools->OpenWeatherMap). Sign up at, enter your name and password (as you entered them when you registered on OpenWeatherMap) into the tool and hit the 'Start' button.
13. Added a PWSWeather plug-in. (Tools->PWSWeather). Sign up at, create a station then enter your station ID and password (as you entered them when you registered on PWSWeather) into the tool and hit the 'Start' button.
14. Added a MySQL driver plug-in (Tools->SQLDriver). This tool can upload your weather data to a MySQL database opening up a world of applications not previously available to WeatherCat - charting and analysis for example (e.g. High-Charts, JpGraph, GraPHPite, pChart and so on).
Features: Auto-import of initial data. Uploading of historical data. Variable rate upload frequency depending on data (fast for wind, slower for other data), resolution down to 1 second.
The database must exist - WeatherCat will not create it. Four tables are created and maintained in the database - one for wind (WindData), one for common variables (WeatherData) and one for extra sensors (ExtraData). An additional table is maintained for maintenance reasons - do not edit this additional table (_WeatherCatPrivate).
If WeatherCat detects the database is new (i.e. has no tables), it will create the tables then import all of your existing WeatherCat data. The period of the data when uploading historical data can be set in the tool - the default is 5 minutes. Thereafter, data will be uploaded to fill in gaps (for example when WeatherCat isn't running or the database server is not available).
When running in real-time, the wind data can be updated faster than the other data (down to 1 second) - this is handy if you have a station which updates wind data faster than other data (Davis Vantage or Vue for example). The other data is updated at a user settable multiple of this period.
If you wish to reset the database, stop the SQLDriver, drop all four tables (using something like phpMyAdmin), then start the SQLDriver again - it'll re-import your weather data.
1. If your database is managed via CPanel, be sure to enable external connections from your I.P. address (normally via RemoteMySQ)
2. Verbose errors are logged to WeatherCat's log window. On error, the SQLDriver will wait a second or two before retrying the transaction.
3. SQLServers can block repeated unauthorised attempts to access. If your passsword is wrong, or there's some authentication problem, do not repeatedly keep hitting the 'start' button, or leave authentication errors repeat. If this does happen to you, the error reported in WeatherCat's log window should tell you what you need to do to unblock yourself.
4. The initial import to a new database can take a very long time. For example, importing 6 years worth of data (Vantage with extra channels) from a MacMini to a Synology 1512+ at the default 5 minute intervals took ~ 60 minutes at approximately 250KB's per second. For your entertainment, a progress bar and percentage complete are displayed during this time. Weather data collected by WeatherCat during initial import or 'hole filling' will not be lost.
5. At the end of the initial import or uploading historic data, the SQLDriver will switch to real-time logging.
6. If the initial import or uploading of historic data is interrupted, it will resume when the SQLDriver is next able to make contact with the database.
7. The period of historic data uploads is read when the upload is started - if you want to change the period during an upload, hit the 'Stop' button, change the period then hit the 'Start' button.
8. The time field in the database tables is in U.T.C.
9. The data size reported in the tools' window is not the database size - merely the number of bytes transmitted to the server. Typically this is far greater than the actual data size in the database.
10. Imagery is not uploaded to the SQL server.
11. When running with live data, the minimum, average and maximum transaction time is logged in the window - these values can be reset with the small 'R' button.
12. The SQLDriver requires WeatherCat 1.2.0 build 600 or later.
13. Tested with MySQL 5.1.49. Should work with other versions of MySQL - the minimum MySQL version in theory should be 4.1 (not tested).
14. Uses the MariaDB SQL connector - source code and Xcode project for this plug-in can be found at
15. Fixed issue in WeatherCat API method to return the localised display value of a given channel. It was as returning one decimal place for additional precipitation and ET channels if units were set to inches (should have been 2). This affected plug-ins displaying these channels - i.e. Banner Generator. Affected channels were monthly rain, yearly rain, daily ET, monthly ET and annual ET.
16. If station communications have failed for longer than 20 minutes, all FTP processing will halt until station communications are resumed.
17. Added a WeatherBug uploader (Tools->WeatherBug).
18. Added a Met-Office WoW uploader (Tools->MetOfficeWoW). Notes: 1) Soil moisture is uploaded from soil moisture sensor #1. 2) Soil temperature is uploaded from soil temperature sensor #1 (soil temperature appears as grass temperature on WoW site). 3). The Met-Office recommends upload intervals of at least 15 minutes (which is the default on a new installation) - WeatherCat will allow down to 1 minute intervals should the Met- Office recommend more frequent uploads in the future.
19. Added CPS$ custom web tag which is replaced with the current potential solar energy based on location and date/time. Uses the Ryan-Stolzenbach model with an atmospheric transmission factor of 0.8. Note it is not at all unusual to see the measured solar reading exceed the potential solar energy as the sensor measures not only direct radiation but also indirect radiation.
20. Fixed an issue where STAT$AVERAGEWINDSPEED:MAX would return the maximum gust speed.
21. Fixed an issue where stats for additional temperature type sensors was returning unconverted values.
22. Added stats for the following additional channels: T1 through T8 (extra temperature sensors 1 to 8) H1 through H8 (extra humidity sensors 1 to 8) LW1 through LW4 (leaf wetness sensors 1 to 4) SM1 through SM4 (soil moisture sensors 1 to 4) ST1 through ST4 (soil temperature sensors 1 to 4)
These can be used with the STAT$ tag as per other variables - for example to find the maximum soil temperature this year:
23. The hourly data for these additional sensors can now be graphed on custom graphs - i.e. min/max/average, line or bar types.
24. Data Export (Tools->Data Export) - new implementation. Exports can be created manually or automatically on a daily basis.
Two types of export are available - weather data or hourly data. The weather data is exported at the period specified, the hourly data consists of hourly minimum, maximum and average except for accumulated precipitation which is the total accumulated for the hour. All data is converted to user units. The file format of the exports is .csv, which should open in any spreadsheet software.
Convenience date selectors are available (today, this year, etc.), custom ranges can be created by clicking the calendars to set the 'from' and 'to' dates. If the date range doesn't make sense, the export button will be greyed out. The export period can be set for raw weather data (i.e. every ten minutes). To export a particular day, select the same date on both calendars.
The channels that are exported are determined by the sensors fitted to your station.
Daily exports can be selected to run automatically (this feature is off by default). Auto- exports are stored in ~/Documents/WeatherCatExports/year/month/HourlyData and WeatherData (where ~ is your home directory). A daily export will run at the first opportunity - WeatherCat doesn't need to be running around midnight for the export to be processed (for example if WeatherCat is off for the night, the export for yesterday will happen when it's launched in the morning).
25. Fixed a bug in WH3080 driver where an invalid block on historical download would result in a solar reading of 1800W/m^2.

V1.1.5 - 29 March 2013

1. Fix a potential crash on 10.8.3 whilst sending data to C.W.O.P.

V1.1.4 - 17 February 2013

1. Added support for WH3080 stations - these are the Fine Offset stations with solar and u.v. Note: The console can display solar radiation in watts per square meter but this display reads low by a huge factor. WeatherCat corrects this. Because of this correction, the solar radiation displayed and recorded by WeatherCat will not match the solar radiation as displayed on the console. The solar radiation as displayed by WeatherCat has been verified against the solar radiation as measured by a Davis Vantage (sensors in same location).
2. WMR200: Fixed a crash that could occur on start-up.
3. WMR200: Fixed an issue where additional channels may be missing from the first few samples on historic download.
4. Fixed a long-standing bug that could cause a spike on graphs at the start of a month.
5. Fixed an issue that could cause email to hang on some systems.
6. Scaling improvements when multiple humidity channels are present on a custom graph.
7. Tag additions/changes
a. Added MAXGUSTDIR(PERIOD)$ custom web tag. This is replaced with the wind direction at the time of the maximum wind gust over the period. PERIOD can be any time period accepted by the STAT$ web tag. For example: MAXGUSTDIR(TODAY)$
Can be combined with STAT$ tags to find speed and time - for example:
b. Added MAXGUSTDIRTEXT(PERIOD)$ custom web tag. This is exactly the same as MAXGUSTDIR but the output is localised text, rather than degrees.
c. Added a DUTC$ custom web tag, this outputs the current UTC date and time formatted as: yyyy,M,d,H,m,s - for example '2013,1,24,19,50,57'
d. Improvements to DOMWDDEGREES$ and DOMWDTEXT$ tags - we now use a sector based calculation.
e. Added DOMWDDEGREES(PERIOD)$ which calculates the dominant wind direction over a given time period, where PERIOD can be any period accepted by the STAT$ tag.
f. Added WINDROSE8(PERIOD)$ and WINDROSE45(PERIOD)$ web tags. Replaced with a list of 8 or 45 wind rose values (starting at north and running clockwise, every 45 degrees or 8 degrees) over the period specified by PERIOD which can be any period accepted by the STAT$ tag.
g. Added WINDBEARINGFROM10$ custom web tag which is replaced with the lowest wind bearing recorded in the last 10 minutes rounded down to the nearest 10 degrees.
h. Added WINDBEARINGTO10$ custom web tag which is replaced with the highest wind bearing recorded in the last 10 minutes rounded down to the nearest 10 degrees.
i. Added AT_AUS (apparent temperature (Australian variant)), AT_US (apparent temperature (U.S. variant)) and HUMIDEX as variable types that can be used with the STAT$ tag. These types are currently limited to time periods that extend no further than 1 year in the past.
STAT$AT_AUS:CURRENT$ (STAT$AT_AUS:DELTA1$) is replaced with the current apparent temperature (Aus) and the 1 hour delta.
STAT$AT_US:MAX:TODAY$ TEMPUNITS$ at STAT$AT_US:MAX:TODAY:TIME$ is replaced with the highest apparent temperature (US) recorded today and the time of the high.
STAT$HUMIDEX:AVERAGE:LASTMONTH$ is replaced with the average humidex for last month.
j. Added COMMSFAILFLAG$ web tag - this is replaced with 0 if the station comms are good or 1 if the comms have failed (hardware fail or stale data).
k. Fixed an issue where numbers in STAT$ tag results were not localised.
l. Changed BD$ web tag (build info) to always output a non-localised decimal point.
m. Added BDL$ which will output with a localised decimal point.

V1.1.3 - 12 January 2013

Fixed an issue that could cause FTP to crash if passed an invalid path.
Mac OS X 10.8.3 compatibility update.
Added LLat$ and Llong$ custom web tags which are replaced with the station latitude and longitude respectively. These coordinates are displayed as degrees, minutes and seconds. Note that the seconds will be different to the coordinates entered into WeatherCat as WeatherCat needs the coordinates in degrees, minutes and hundredths of a minute (i.e. LORAN format).
Added Lelevf$ and Lelevm$ custom web tags - these are replaced with the station elevation in feet or metres respectively.
Added AT_US$ custom web tag - replaced with the current apparent temperature (US version) -
Added AT_Aus$ custom web tag - replaced with the current apparent temperature (Australian version, non solar) -
Added HUMIDEX$ custom web tag - replaced with the current humidex (Canadian version) -
Added DOMWDTEXT$ custom web tag - replaced with the dominant wind direction today as text (i.e. ENE), localised.
Added DOMWDDEGREES$ custom web tag - replaced with the dominant wind direction today as degrees.
Added WINDROSE8$ custom web tag - replaced with a list of 8 wind rose values (starting at north and running clockwise, every 45 degrees).
Added WINDROSE45$ custom web tag - replaced with a list of 45 wind rose values (starting at north and running clockwise, every 8 degrees).

V1.1.2 - 28 December 2012

Fixed a crash that could occur with WMR200 and WH1080 stations on start-up.
Added a DAYSAGO() function that can be used as a time period specifier with the STAT$ custom web tag. This can be used to query data from a given day in the past – for example DAYSAGO(2) is the day before yesterday.
Added Internal Humidity as a trigger for custom alerts.

V1.1.1 - 22 December 2012

Added Fine Offset WH1080/2080 support. This station is sold under a variety of brands including Maplin (N96GY), Ambient Weather, Conrad, Clas Ohlson, Watson (W-8681) and others. For more information on this station, please visit our wiki page:
WMR200: Fixed an issue whereby UV would indicate as invalid when it should be valid.
WMR200: Fixed an issue whereby the historical download window would stop updating after 5 minutes (the download continues and completes).
Latest Italian translations courtesy of Federico Paoletti.
Documentation update.

V1.1.0 - 12 December 2012

Added Oregon Scientific WMR200 support.
Added calibration (Preferences->Misc 2).
Added an SDK (see separate download )
Added daily backups (Tools menu).
Added Wd$ macro (wind direction) that can be used with custom alert emails.
Printing improvements - it is now possible to print all basic graphs and the current daily and monthly reports.
Plotting style of basic wind direction graph is now settable to one of line, shortest path or dots (Preferences->Misc 2)
Data export rewritten. It is now possible to export all raw data as a .csv file which should open directly in most spreadsheet software.
Tag additions:
Added SINCE9AM as a period parameter that can be used in the STAT$ tag - example:
Added an HRS(x) function which can be used as the period parameter in the STAT$ tag, This function specifies a time period in hours from 'now' - examples.
Highest temperature in the last 24 hours = STAT$TEMPERATURE:MAX:HRS(24)$TEMPUNITS$ at STAT$TEMPERATURE:MAX:HRS(24):TIME$
FTP re-architected to increase upload speed, reduce the number of connections and reduce latency of time sensitive data.
Holding down the 'ctrl' key whilst scrolling graphs and imagery via the WeatherCat Controller buttons now accelerates the scrolling.
Vantage VUE stability update.
Various bug fixes.
Documentation update.

V1.0.2 - 15 July 2012

Compatibility update for Mac OS X 10.8 GM
Heat index will now calculate below a relative humidity of 40.

V1.0.1 - 30 June 2012

Mac OS X 10.8 compatibility
Added optional shutdown delay to wait for scripts that are being closed
Updated localisations
Stability improvements

V1.0.0 - 6 May 2012

Initial release
Personal tools
