Station Maintenance

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All Weather Stations require periodic maintenance to remain accurate and dependable.

Seasonal Maintenance Checklist

The following is a seasonal maintenance checklist of potential issues with your weather station that should be checked every 6 months or so. It may be necessary to perform such maintenance more frequently depending on the severity of your locale

Before doing any maintenance on your instruments, it is a good idea to put your console into diagnostic mode (Davis Vantage Pro-2) or any other possible standby mode (if such a things exists on your console) to avoid collecting erroneous data that might be caused by your mucking around with the instruments. Another possible way to avoid erroneous data is to unplug your sensors from the transmitters. Check your owners manual and the user forums for more details.

  • Clear any debris or vegetation that might have encroached on weather instruments.
  • Replace all batteries in the console, Weather Envoy, ISS and secondary transmitter.
  • Clean all exterior surfaces including the solar sensor.
  • Air dust the interior of all electronics.
  • Apply fresh grease on all rubber seals. Make sure to use a grease that won't damage the rubber.
  • Inspect all cables and especially any my cable splices needed for your station.
  • Air dust the radiation shields for the temperature probes.
  • Visually inspect the anemometer and mast.
  • Check supports for all other weather instruments for wear or components that have become loose.
  • Clean collection buckets.
  • Clean and apply Rain-X to the collector cone. Applied grease to the bottom of the collector cone to make it easier to remove later.
  • Apply some automobile wax to exterior of collector cone and any other station components that would benefit from additional protection.
  • If available and practical, check instruments against known references.
  • If needed (given climate, transmitter setup, and years in the field), clean contacts between sensor cables and transmitter plugs.
  • If appropriate, remove or put on cap over the collector cone if such a cap is used to protect rain gauge from either dry season debris or heavy snows.
  • If desired, add a Journal entry to keep track of when maintenance was performed.

A file is available that will open in Apple's TextEdit editor can be downloaded and printed to make it easier to keep track of items accomplished. You can download it at this link:

Weather Station maintenance checklist.rtf

This checklist was developed with the assistance of the LWC (now WeatherCat) user community and the forum. Thanks to everyone who contributed.

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